Denise's cousin, Betsy Leask had stated in an e-mail in early June, that she was quite prepared to chauffeur us around. Well, I had no idea that she would be driving us literally everywhere as you will see in later posts. After guiding us to the chalet, she left us to unpack and get some rest. We followed her suggestion but first we had to put a coin in the electric box to ensure we had some heat overnight. The temp. was about 9-10 C so heat was required.
Now, one must realize that it does not get dark at night only what is referred as "simmer dim" thus the bright daylight comes very early and our bodies were still on Ontario.time. You have probably surmised that our bodies are still primarily on Ontario time so we were up early. Betsy came over mid morning Saturday and had us follow her to their "croft". We had a cuppa, talked about what we wanted to see. In the middle of this discussion, Betsy says she has to feed the lambs. We watched the orphan lambs being fed from a bottle. These "babies" were having to be bottle fed either because their mother would not suckle them or the mother died. There are no other words other than cute for them.
Betsy is in the foreground |
There I am helping feed the "Babies" |
Following the baby feeding the neighbour's Shetland ponies decided to make their presence felt demanding biscuits. So we were happy to oblige!
Did you get me a pony?