Monday, the 16th: We had a minor computer situation as the adapter I was sold in Collingwood did not fit the 240V plugs here. While I was able to communicate for a while the battery reading 20% was unnerving. So we drove into Walls and caught the municipal bus into Lerwick (29 miles). We found a computer store on Commercial street and just purchased a 240 volt power cord as the charging transformer is capable of handling 240 or 110. So the minor issue is resolved! We walked around .downtown and found the Tourist information centre that I had viewed via internet webcams for years. More on that in another post, as they are presently not working.
We stopped and took a picture.
We visited the Shetland Family History Society (SFHS) and the volunteers.were marvelous. It is a well organized office!. Denise had smoked Haddock for dinner while I had something other than fish. :-) Surprise!
Caught the return bus to Walls and drove home. The single lane roads and the driving on the other side of the road is unnerving!. We did stop and take a picture of the Weisdale Voe. To use a sentence worthy of Yoda; scenic beauty it is.
Tuesday, we toured around Mid Walls (north of Walls), Betsy's husband Arthur's homestead, and to Sandness where we visited & toured the Jamieson Woolen Mill. We saw a vast variety of Shetland wool products and have mailed one home for the rocking chair. We toured a nearby church graveyard with a WW 1 military memorial. The location looked over a very large body of water. (the Sound of Papa) Lovely setting! We then went to Turriefield Farms where I toured the farm. The noteworthy thing about this farm is they are trying to grow produce, in an environmental and sustainable way, that is not very successful is Shetland (cucumbers, squash etc) due to the weather but under plastic greenhouses they grow. The framework for the greenhouses is discarded piping from the fish farms. There is good soil but like most of Shetland there are a lot of ground knots. (rocks). It is obviously very hard work!! I do admire the Robertsons for their efforts. On the return to Betsy's home we met Christine Murchison (nee Leask) that was working at the travel agency I was using for Shetland & Hamefarin in 2010. We had a wee chat right in the middle of the road. Back to Betsy's for "tatties and mince". Betsy did all the driving as this wrong side of the road has proved to be very hard to adjust to but then again she knows the sites to see and the best routes to get there. Her school bus driving experience does show!!
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